Priority Queues

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/misc/pqueue)


(make-pqueue prio [cmp = <] [capacity = 15]) -> pqueue

  prio     := function returning priority of elements
  cmp      := optional heap comparison function, min-heap by default
  capacity := optional initial size

Creates a new empty priority queue, a data structure similar to a simple queue, but extended to take the associated priority value of an element into account when pushing, popping and peeking elements.

  • prio is a function returning the real priority of an element. It is utilized to determine the insert position whenever some element is about to be pushed onto the priority queue.
  • cmp, a comparison function, is used to order the elements based on their priority, defaulting to <.
  • capacity is the number of elements the pqueue can hold before it needs to resize itself.


For example, let's assume we always want to retrieve the longest string currently within our queue. This could be achieved with string-length as our priority function and ordering these lengths via >:

> (def pq (make-pqueue string-length >))
> (pqueue-push! pq "shortest")
> (pqueue-push! pq "very, very, long")
> (pqueue-push! pq "medium length")
> (pqueue-peek pq)
"very, very, long"
> (pqueue-pop! pq)
"very, very, long"
> (pqueue-peek pq)
"medium length"


(pqueue? pq) -> boolean

  pq := priority queue to check

Returns #t if pq is a priority queue, #f otherwise.


> (let (pq (make-pqueue identity))
    (when (pqueue? pq)
      (pqueue-push! pq 1000)
      (pqueue-push! pq 100)
      (pqueue-push! pq 10)
      (pqueue-peek pq)))

> (import :std/misc/queue)
> (pqueue? (make-queue))


(pqueue-size pq) -> fixnum

  pq := priority queue to inspect

Returns the number of elements queued in pq.

This operation is O(1), since priority queues always keep track of their size.


> (let (pq (make-pqueue char->integer))
    (string-for-each (cut pqueue-push! pq <>) "ABCDEF")
    (pqueue-size pq))


(pqueue-empty? pq) -> boolean

  pq := priority queue to check

Returns #t if pq has no elements queued, #f otherwise.


> (pqueue-empty? (make-pqueue identity < 1000))

> (make-pqueue identity)
#<pqueue #21>
> (pqueue-push! #21 1)
> (pqueue-push! #21 3)
> (pqueue-push! #21 5)
> (pqueue-empty? #21)


(pqueue-push! pq elem) -> unspecified

  pq   := priority queue to push onto
  elem := element to push to pq

Enqueues elem in pq. The insert position depends on the priority and comparison functions specified in make-pqueue. Similar to set!, it's unspecified what pqueue-push! returns afterwards.


> (defstruct city (name population))
> (def cities [(make-city "Salto" 104028)
               (make-city "Санкт-Петербург" 4879566)
               (make-city "Qaqortoq" 3089)
               (make-city "አዲስ ፡ አበባ" 3352000)
               (make-city "Jayapura" 315872)
               (make-city "香港" 7448900)])
> (let (pq (make-pqueue city-population))
    (for-each (cut pqueue-push! pq <>) cities)
    (city-name (pqueue-peek pq)))


(pqueue-pop! pq [default = absent-obj]) -> any | default | error

  pq      := priority queue to pop from
  default := optional element returned when pq is empty

Pops the next value in pq and returns it. Which element gets popped depends on the priority and comparison function specified in make-pqueue. If pq is empty and a default value is supplied, then default is returned. Otherwise an error is raised.


> (import :std/sugar)
> (let (pq (make-pqueue values))
    (for-each (cut pqueue-push! pq <>) [10 1 20 2 30 3])
    (until (pqueue-empty? pq)
      (displayln (pqueue-pop! pq)))
    ;; would signal error without default value:
    (pqueue-pop! pq 100))


(pqueue-peek pq) -> any | error

  pq := priority queue to peek

Returns the next value in pq without popping it from the priority queue like pqueue-pop! does. An error is raised when pq is empty.


> (import :std/srfi/1)
> (def pq (make-pqueue length))
> (pqueue-push! pq (iota (random-integer 10)))
> (pqueue-peek pq)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
> (pqueue-push! pq [13 21 34 55])
> (pqueue-peek pq)
(13 21 34 55)


(pqueue-contents pq) -> list

  pq := priority queue of which to extract the contents

Returns the contents of the priority queue as a list, without modifying the priority queue.


> (def pq (make-pqueue identity))
> (for-each (cut pqueue-push! pq <>) [8 2 3 4 1 9 7])
> (pqueue-contents pq)
(1 2 3 8 4 9 7)


(defsyntax pqueue)

Priority queue type for user-defined generics and destructuring.


> (let (pq (make-pqueue string-length >))
    (pqueue-push! pq "Mimas")
    (pqueue-push! pq "Enceladus")
    (pqueue-push! pq "Tethys")
    (with ((pqueue internal-heap) pq)
      (with ((vector size . vals) internal-heap)
        (displayln "size: " size "\nvals: " vals))))
size: 3
vals: ((9 . Enceladus) (5 . Mimas) (6 . Tethys) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)